Klangwerkstatt Berlin

Festival für Neue Musik

1. bis 18. November 2018

Samstag 10.11.

Verlauf – Linie – Raum. Wo sind welche Grenzen?

17.00 Uhr Kunstquartier Bethanien

ensemble multiphon & Ensemble Progress

  • Aaron Bielish EYEmusic I - VI (1998 – 2015 UA) für Ensemble
  • Catenation colleXdiva (2018 UA) für Englischhorn, Grossbassblockflöte, 2 Lasermäuse & tape
  • multiphon / Progress / Sylvia Hinz senlima (2018 UA) für Ensemble
  • Matthias Kaul Vacuum Ritual (2018 UA) für 4 Blockflöten und 4 Staubsauger
  • Aaron Bielish EYEmusic I - VI (1998 – 2015 UA) für Ensemble

ensemble multiphon & Ensemble Progress Irma Schuster, Milena Weller - Blockflöten, Staubsauger | Elena Ziegler, Philomena Röggla, Ida Kunze, Luise Pelikan, Julie Speer, Lotta Börnchen – Blockflöten, Objekte, Stimme, Hexbug nano, Elektronik | Merle Kubina – Violine, Objekte, Stimme, Hexbug nano, Elektronik | Felicitas Kratochwil, Lara Ceccucci – Oboe, Objekte, Stimme, Hexbug nano, Elektronik | Nepomuk Röggla – Violoncello, Objekte, Stimme, Hexbug nano, Elektronik | Gäste: Mareike Albrecht – Blockflöten, Staubsauger | Freddi Börnchen – Oboe, Objekte, Hexbug nano, Stimme, Elektronik | Sylvia Hinz – Leitung, Kuration, Blockflöten, Staubsauger, Objekte, Hexbug nano, Stimme, Elektronik

Ensemble Progress & ensemble multiphon, Photo: Magma Art & Sound
Ensemble Progress & ensemble multiphon, Photo: Magma Art & Sound

The series, titled EYEmusic, is an exploration of the shared territory between visual art and music. EYEmusic rebalances elements of 19th century program music. The score for the EYEmusic event also exists as visual art. Each of the visual scores has an accompanying story. Unlike the 19th century mechanism, EYEmusic only reveals the underlying story to the musicians. The story acts as a lens, focusing the musicians' improvisations away from random acts of sound towards their interpretation of the score and how it relates to the story. The audience begins their exploration with the visual image and the knowledge of the presence of a mystery. The knowledge that there is a hidden story and presence of the unknown creates the potential for more attentive listening. Rather than attempting to control the performer through rigorous traditional notation, the role of the composer is to support the performers' exploration by providing them with information via the story and art to find their unique path to describe best the meaning in the piece. Each EYEmusic performance is a unique event, yet is related to each unique performance via the mechanisms of the graphic score and hidden story. (Aaron Bielish)

senlima ist eine kollektiv-komposition, die sich dem thema „grenze“ von allen seiten nähert. neben traditionellen instrumenten spielen kaoss pad, hexbugs, stimme, objekte u.v.m. mit und geben dem stück den erweiterten rahmen, den die heutige lebenssituation erfordert: alt trifft neu, gewöhnlich trifft ungewöhnlich, unerwartetes verändert gewohntes: grenzerweiterung. (Sylvia Hinz)

Vacuum Ritual: Chamäleons zeigen im Sterben ihren wirklichen Farbreichtum. (Matthias Kaul)